Scenario 2:  Contact Call Resume Submission


In making daily calls to Active (not working) Applicants, quickly access Job Orders based on desired and even submit an applicant resume to the Job Order Contact – right from the Contact Manager!


Start by accessing the Applicant Contact Manager.  Document the call in the Contact Manager, and when done, choose New Interview (for a Direct Hire Job Order) or New Assignment (for Temporary Job Orders).   For this example, a New Interview will be used.


Figure 1.19 - Applicant Contact Manager Form 


After the New Interview is selected, enter the desired search criteria (Customer Name, Number, or Job Number), and choose Search.


Figure 1.20 - Job Search form


From here, highlight the desired Job Order and choose Open Job (if needing to see more detail about the position); otherwise, choose New Interview to access the Interview record.  Enter the pertinent information here.  Note that because a resume is being sent, the Status code is R-Resume Sent to Client.


Figure 1.21- New Interview form

With the Interview record still on the screen, click on the Resume button at the top of the Interview form. 


Figure 1.22 - Interview form – Resume button


The options for sending the resume are displayed; choose either:

      E-mail as RTF Document

      E-mail as DOC Word Document

      E-mail as HTML Document

      E-mail as PDF Document


In all cases it is understood that there is a default resume stored in the Applicant’s Resume button.

At this time, the ABD Email Client will be launched, where the email Subject and Text Body may be added. 


Figure 1.23 - Send Resume 


Once the email is ready to send, choose Send Message from the E-Mail section on the left side of the window.    This will send the resume to the email address of the Job Order contact.