Call Reason vs. Call Type

These two fields access the same drop down menu choices and may appear to be the same, but they are used for entirely different functions.  It is important to understand these fields and what they do, so that good results from the use of them can be obtained.

The Call Reason is used to identify the purpose of the interaction, i.e. QC Call, Aging Call, E-mail, Quote, etc.   Another way to think of it is ‘what happened now.’   This is for present tense actions, and will appear in the Applicant or Contact Log to show what was done.  The Call Reason will not populate the Daily Planner.  Call Reason records in the log and the journal.  Use Call Reason to record activities that took place.

The Call Type is used to describe the call action that is to take place at a future date.  The Call Type populates the Daily Planner only -- not the Log or the Journal as this is a future planned activity and not something that has already taken place.


To summarize:

      Call Reason is now.  It populates the Contact Log and Activity Reports.

      Call Type is future. It populates the Daily Planner.