Contact Manager Activity Reports


The Ultra-Staff Contact Manager has powerful reporting capabilities.   There are three reports that look to the Contact Manager directly; these are the Contact Activity, Applicant Activity, and the Master Activity reports.   These are all found under the Reports vertical menu.


Figure 1.34 - Contact, Applicant and Master Activity Reports


Both the Contact Activity and Applicant Activity reports share the same criteria selection, and display the same basic information – all of which is generated from the entries made to the Applicant and Client Contact Manger and the Journalized information.

The Master Activity report, however, draws its information from the Applicant and Client Contact Manager, along with selected information from both the Temporary and Direct Hire Job Orders and their respective Interviews and Assignments.  The Master Activity Report allows for a complete view of what the Placement Consultants have done in all aspects of Ultra-Staff – from a contact call to the number of filled assignments.